About My Jewelry

About My Jewelry
Mary Brown Jewelry

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mary Brown Jewelry: Purple and Orange? Wow!!!

Purple and orange, wow! An amazing combination? This is what I thought when I really looked at the Porcelain Jasper pendant on this necklace.

Years ago when I was working in retail, I paired a pink blouse with a teal suit. People were amazed at how well they worked together. While visiting a garden, I noticed a spot where the gardener had paired red with purple. Daring? One would think so, but nature does it all the time.

The exploratory and playful combining of colors is what my designs are all about. I look very closely at the semi-precious gemstones I work with to find the hidden colors and build my designs around that hidden color to bring it to the forefront.

At first I thought this stone was just gray and orange. Upon closer inspection, though, I could see purple lines running through the stone. When I held it up to the light, I could really see the purple shine through.

To highlight the Porcelain Jasper, I used purple Tree Jasper and Carnelian with sterling silver accents.

Pink and teal dyed Jade are combined with Russian Amazonite and sterling silver accents in this stunning necklace.

I have posted these two designs, along with several others, on my website at marybrownjewelry.com.

I would love to hear from you, your comments are always welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Mary, Beautiful necklace. I've always loved contrasting colors together. Purple/orange or yellow..etc. Great piece!!!
